Alhamdulillah, my 1st semester exam was over today at 3.30p.m..and it was snowing out there. OMG just ask anybody how happy they could be when thinking there was snowing outside the exam hall in which the last paper was examined. In the middle of the exam, I was excited thinking bout the snow and I just couldn't afford to wait any longer.. I answered Material's paper (last paper) as fast as I could.. It took me about an hour to get it done. There was one hour left in the exam but i saw a few candidates went out, so I guess it's allright this time..it's only a 1st year's paper so I didn't worry too much..anyway I answered all questions with joy and confidence and I believe it would be fine. haha however there was a little bit jealousy in me seeing most of my friends' exams ended a few days earlier but above all, I'm still relieved with the fact that my exam papers weren't too hard..i prepared 3 weeks before the exam commenced and the preparation went well : ) unlike when i was in KMB, procrastination was the only method practiced. But this time I did it in a right way (procrastinate as early as three weeks before exam..lol) and now I'm pretty sure I can score at least 70% for each of the module taken. Not high but just enough.. : ) In overall, this semester was quite a good start for me in Sheffield and I hope the same goes with fellow friends here too.

My first paper was Maths which was held on 28th January at Goodwin Sport Center. The paper was easy, since Maths is the easiest of all the modules I took for this semester. Besides, all the subjects taught in this modules had been covered when I was in KMB so it wasn't a big deal after all..the 2nd paper (Electric & Electronic) was quite terrifying.. I have not had any interests in this particular subject ever since I was in KMB..but i have got no choice since this module is compulsory in the course. For me, answering the exam's questions didn't bother me too much..but my understanding in this module is the only thing that I am concerned with..Judging at the past year papers for this module, I might get clues on how the coming paper would be, but that was no fun at all..it seems like I'm just remembering things but no understanding has been gained on them. Above all, that is so contradicted with the way engineers think. remembering and understanding..they are different in the sense that if you totally understand it, you could have possibly answered any questions given but if u only remember the pattern of the questions, you would have a very hard time to answer a slightly different question (adjusted in terms of numbering, reversing etc) from the one that you remembered. Remembering costs me to missed out at most three questions on that paper..from now on I swear to myself that I'll improve my understanding. The rest 3 papers were just fine..it's all over for now but for the next semester exam I'm gonna strive and give my all, for the sake of getting 1st class honor : )
1st class pon xkire gak, buat penat je
x kire? maksudnye?
ReplyDeletejgn lupa masuk blog muqri..heheehe...adik dah gemok sket...take care luv ya!
ReplyDeletehehe bg link blog muqri..nok letok dlm blog lost ni..
ReplyDeletehaa..baru hr ni dpt post blog cmmnt kt sini.puas sy cbe..ermm..best kn dpt main snow??hensem x snowman kt sne???hehe
ReplyDeletebest2..semua snowman hensem tp diorang tinggi sgt.so x sesuai la kalo awk nk ngorat diorang.haha