Wednesday, 11 November 2009
Thursday, 18 June 2009
My Hitlist -.-
Monday, 15 June 2009
I've been living with a shadow overhead,
I've been sleeping with a cloud above my bed,
I've been lonely for so long,
Trapped in the past,
I just can't seem to move on!
I've been hiding all my hopes and dreams away,
Just in case I ever need them again someday,
I've been setting aside time,
To clear a little space in the corners of my mind!
All I wanna do is find a way back into love.
I can't make it through without a way back into love.
I've been watching but the stars refuse to shine,
I've been searching but I just don't see the signs,
I know that it's out there,
There's got to be something for my soul somewhere!
I've been looking for someone to shed some light,
Not somebody just to get me through the night,
I could use some direction,
And I'm open to your suggestions.
All I wanna do is find a way back into love.
I can't make it through without a way back into love.
And if I open my heart again,
I guess I'm hoping you'll be there for me in the end!
Or if anybody feels the way I feel
I need inspiration
Not just another negotiation
All I wanna do is find a way back into love,
I can't make it through without a way back into love,
And if I open my heart to you,
I'm hoping you'll show me what to do,
And if you help me to start again,
You know that I'll be there for you in the end! ^^
Wednesday, 20 May 2009
That's Why.
and that includes Take Me To Your Heart as well : )
Michael Learns To Rock
That's Why You Go Away
Baby won't you tell me why there is sadness in your eyes
I don't wanna say goodbye to you
Love is one big illusion I should try to forget
but there is something left in my head
You're the one who set it up now you're the one to make it stop
I'm the one who's feeling lost right now
Now you want me to forget every little thing you said
but there is something left in my head..
I won't forget the way you're kissing
The feeling's so strong were lasting for so long
But I'm not the man your heart is missing
That's why you go away I know..
You were never satisfied no matter how I tried
Now you wanna say goodbye to me
Love is one big illusion I should try to forget
but there is something left in my head
I won't forget the way you're kissing
The feeling's so strong were lasting for so long
But I'm not the man your heart is missing
That's why you go away I know
Yes I know..
Sitting here all alone in the middle of nowhere
Don't know which way to go
There ain't so much to say now between us
There ain't so much for you
There ain't so much for me anymore..
I won't forget the way you're kissing
The feeling's so strong were lasting for so long
But I'm not the man your heart is missing
That's why you go away I know
That's why you go away I know..
Thursday, 14 May 2009
Wednesday, 13 May 2009
Sunday, 10 May 2009
Battle Cry
2nd semester exam, that is. It's gonna be painful this time, considering that some of the modules are ridiculously hard.
There are 6 modules altogether;
1)Engineering Mechanics - 27thMay
2)Analogue Signals For Aerospace - 28thMay
3)Maths for Aerospace - 30thMay
4)Thermofluids - 5thJune
5)Automatic Control&System - 9thJune
6)Materials for Aerospace - 12thJune
Pray for me ya..I'm gonna retain last semester's achievement, if not better. I always believe that if i put more effort into it, the outcome will be much348378x better.
Goodluck to u guys too. -.-
Saturday, 25 April 2009
Common Sense???!! argghhhh..
Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was, since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape. He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as:
Knowing when to come in out of the rain; Why the early bird gets the worm; Life isn't always fair; and maybe it really was my fault.
Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend more than you can earn) and reliable strategies (such as adults, not children, should be in charge).
His health began to deteriorate rapidly when well-intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place. Reports of a 6-year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate, teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch, and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition.
Common Sense lost ground when parents attacked teachers for doing the job that they themselves had failed to do in disciplining their ill-behaved children.
It declined even further when schools were required to get parental consent to administer sun lotion or an aspirin to a student, but could not inform parents when a student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion.
Common Sense took a beating when it was decided you couldn't defend yourself from a burglar in your own home and the burglar could sue you for assault.
Common Sense began to lose the will to live as organized religions became businesses, and criminals received better treatment than their victims.
Common Sense finally gave up the will to live after a woman failed to realize that a steaming cup of coffee was hot. She spilled a little in her lap, and was promptly awarded a huge settlement.
Common Sense was preceded in death, by his parents, Truth and Trust, by his wife, Discretion, by his daughter, Responsibility, and by his son, Reason.
He is survived only by his 4 stepbrothers: I Know My Rights, I Want It Now, Someone Else Is To Blame, and I'm A Victim.
Not many attended his funeral because so few realized Common Sense was gone. If you still remember him, pass this on to your fellow friends.(-.- ) If not, join the majority and do nothing
Thursday, 26 March 2009
Confession of A Struggling Heart
A: Can i ask you a question?
B: What is it?
A: How come you don't say you like me? I have already said it a few times..many times..
B: Do you have to actually hear the words?
A: I want to hear it..just what am i to you.
B: ...
A: ...
B: I like you..No matter how hard i try not to like you, no matter how hard i try to erase you out of my mind..I like you so much that i get upset that i can't do that.
Or maybe you just couldn't say it...i didn't would i know..?
I waited and waited..but there was still no answer..just who am i to you..? If you had said these words I would go after you..I would look for your traces, even your footsteps..and i will drag you here..but you..
But you didn't say those words...I felt so tired of trying so hard, just to captivate you, gaining your trust, and possessing your faith..but i was left with no response at all..just who am i to you..
Haven't you realized how terrible my life has been?
Have you ever imagined living the life that i have been living?
It's so painful when all you could do is missing someone who's not even yours..
Just what am i to you..
Maybe all i did wasn't enough.
I guess your heart wasn't that easy to be convinced..maybe it's not even mine to begin with..
I used to gave you up to another person thinking that he was better..But now I'm regretting it..that was my mistake..When I thought that i'd be able to forget you, even more pictures of you coming into my head, urging me to get even closer to you. I just couldn't get you out of my head..
I just want you to know,
That I won't stop missing you..
I can't stop missing you..
I'll try even harder than before..
Just to get your heart bounded to mine.
Until then i won't open my heart to anyone else..
Because it's only to you I shall give my love..
It's only to you whom my heart is meant for.
If it's anyone else, life wouldn't be fun anymore.
I mean it..
I'm not joking like I always did.
This time I really really mean it.
I like you..
And I'll be waiting..
Because i like u so much..
Monday, 16 March 2009
Officer kat department of material cakap maximum marks yang kitorang dapat untuk semester ni ialah 80% : ( aku dapat tau ni pun sebab ade member ajak g tanye.
Member aku ni name dia Goncalo..dia xpuas ati sebab dia punyer coursework yang contribute 10% untuk final mark telah di potong dia dapat 8% je..aku dapat 7%..
so dari kejadian tu la Goncalon ajak aku g tanye pakcik material tu..lepas tu barula kitorang tau yang head of material department memang selalu buat camni kat first year student..tujuannye untuk membuatkan kitorang rase markah kitorang rendah and cube lagi bagus untuk year 2 punye exam.. huhu kitorang xrase berat ati pun..tapi kesian jugak tgk ade ramai jugak member2 yang failed paper material and terpakse la retake exam time summer nanti..
bagi aku pulak, limitation yang department tu letak kat marking system diorang telahpun mencacatkan result aku..Goncalo pun same..kitorang dapat first class marks untuk subjek2 lain kecuali material..huhu xbestnye tp ni la hakikatnye..hopefully untuk exam final term untuk first year ni limitation tu dibuang la..kalo x maunye aku kene target full mark ah..tapi impossible la camtu..
patutla rase pelik giler..aku dah confident jawab ari tu..tapi kalo ikut ration sebenar, marks aku 64% out of 80% so kalo convert jadi over 100%..marks aku da lepas first class range..huhu xpe la ni sumer masalah limitation je..biarla result cacat atas paper pun asalkan aku tau yg result aku xrendah yg disangka sebelum ni..
aku da semangat balik term ni nak tunjuk kat pakcik material tu yg limitation xkn berkesan dah kat kitorang pasni..kalo limitation dia 70% (yakni passing mark utk 1st class range) pun aku akan score 70% jugak!! wallahualam
Wednesday, 4 March 2009
syukran syukran.. : )
Alhamdulillah & syukur pada Allah S.W.T...akhirnye usaha & penat lelah aku berbalas jugak untuk kali ni..results exam aku da kluar.
aku dapat average 78% untuk 6 modules yang aku ambik untuk semester 1 baru-baru ni. 78% kire 1st class range ah jugak.hmm tepat juge la prediction aku baru2 ni kan?pasal nak dapat average above 70 tu..tapi bukan semua subject aku dapat 1st class mark. satu module je yang jammed iaitu material for aerospace..aku dapat 64% je untuk module tu. module2 lain ok la sebab semua above 70%.above 80% ade 3 subjects. camane ni material buleh slack. padahal aku confiden giler dh time jawab ari tu. maybe sebab excited sangat sebab material tu paper yang paling last so dalam kepale selalu ler pikir prkara yang bukan2.
erk..camane nak buat kapal terbang kalo xtau nak pakai material ape..adui..xpe2 tutor aku cakap it's quite a good start for aku pikir positifla..aku ade peluang lagi and untuk semester 2 ni aku berazam untuk naikkan markah material aku pulak.jangan markah yang lain pulak turun sudahla..haha syukur2..sangat happy walaupun average mark aku x tinggi sangat.
atas permintaan beberapa orang, aku letak la markah aku kat sini..insyaAllah semester ni aku akan cuba naikkan lagi markah2 ni : )
MAS147(Maths for Aerospace) - 88
MEC112(Mechanics) - 86
ACS172(Aerospace Design) - 84
MEC161(Aerospace Engineering) - 73
EEE121(Electrical for Aerospace) - 72
MAT1310(Materials for Aerospace) - 64
confem kene celebrate ari ni..aku nak beli lamb grilled kebab banyak2 pastu sumbat semua sekaligus dalam mulut..hak3 : )
Friday, 27 February 2009
I Luv Football!! : )))))
ahh..hari ni aku rase sangat puas ati..mane taknye, dah seminggu lebih x sepak bola sbb ankle aku bengkak.seksa woo..nk turun tangga pun kene berjongket-jongket :D
last week aku beli satu bola kat ebay..huhu..ebay byk abiskan duit aku..tak..aku yg byk abiskan duit kat ebay.entahle.same je dua2 ayat tu sebab lastly cash aku jugak yang jalan.nak kate bola tu mahal, tak tau la.harga dia GBP19.99 @ lebih kurang RM100 la. tapi xpela belanje sikit pun sebab aku pikir selame ni kalo nak sepak bola kene tunggu geng2 ajak main kat court. tapi sekarang aku xpyh le menunggu..kalo rase nak sepak bola gi je backyard, main puas2..backyard rumah aku agak luas jugak, boleh buat 2 on 2 game :D
hari ni bola tu sampai..haha happy giler gambar bola tu selepas dipam oleh private coach aku, Izuan.

cantik bola ni kan? bola ni name dia nike total aero 90 kut. tak silap aku tu la name dia..bola ni pakai kat Spanish la liga je rasenye..
skang tengok pulak gambar bola ni lepas aku main petang tadi.
lepas melalui latihan ala neraka oleh coach, bola yang cantik berkilat tadi da jadi macam ni dah. dalam gambar ni x nampak sangat scratches2 tu tapi kalo korang tengok depan2 mata tau la camne teruknye bola ni dikerjakan.
haha :D
ni satu lagi gambar..nampak tu LFP?
it stands for Liga Nacional de Fútbol Profesional..
kalo nak tau lebih bukak la link kat bawah ni.
huhu kepada yang fanatik bola, best kan bile main bola ni? even though aku main bola bukan untuk sara hidup tapi aku buleh rase jugak macam mane perasaan orang yang yang hidup berasaskan kepakaran main bola ni..aku sepak bola setakat suke hati je tapi bayangkan orang2 tu, diorang main bola untuk hidup..diorang sepak tu bukan setakat bagi kudrat tubuh badan, kaki je tapi sekali dengan diorang punyer harapan..aku? aku ade harapan jugak tapi x setinggi harapan diorang.
tapi xpela..main bola ni bukan untuk hidup je..bola ni universal & global..buleh kate jugak yang walaupun tiap2 orang, negara lain2, agama bangsa lain2, kulit hitam putih tinggi rendah cacat tubuh badan..kebanyakannye ade satu persamaan iaitu main bola.
hidup bola..aku syukur kat Tuhan sebab bukan setakat bagi nikmat nyawa tubuh badan je tapi bagi jugak aku rase nikmat main bola..semoga nikmat ni terus kekal selagi aku hidup..amin..
Thursday, 26 February 2009
25 Things About Me..I've been tagged!
Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you.
I don't think these 25 things are really enough to describe even a tiny bit of me..but it's just for fun, alrite..besides i promised someone already and she even tagged me in more thing, i assume that if any of u read this post, then u're actually tagged by me, but bear in mind that i'm not forcing you to to the same kinda's up to you whether u wanna do it or I go! : )
1. i always wonder what was my first impression of life ever since i was born..was it happiness or sadness?
2. seriously, i want a cat that appears more or less like Shin Chan..Is it even possible??!
3. honestly i don't wanna grow old..just wanna stay as I'm now..
4. i love chewable Vitamin C and i think i always exceed its RDA.
5. I used to drink vitagen a lot. but it's nowhere to be seen here in UK so i took Lucozade lately.
6. i’m enjoying my life too : ) so many memorable things happened in my 2o years of an amazing life! hope everything will be better for the next 20 years :D
7. i love to cook..preferably nasi minyak+gulai ayam kurma+sambal belacan..if u want some then come see me.
8. i wouldn't leave no. 8 empty..who says 8 is an unlucky number?
9. i love flying stuffs and i hope they love me too : )
10. i think my english has been improving lately..maybe becoz i often spent about half of the day outside : )
11. i am working really hard to improve my modulus of pervertedness.haha..dont get it wrong. it actually means the resistance towards it..
12. i am also a serious person..and i demand others to be serious with me too..
13. i have been so captivated with a certain someone lately.could it be love? i dont know.
14. the happiest moments for everyone aren't the happiest one for me..since i no longer feel sad but it cant be helped.i'll just wait.
15. i cant wait to go back to malaysia this summer!! missing everyone so badly..
16. i love the way Michael Carrick plays..and this is why it's written here..go2 number 16!!
17. i love to eat too. I'm not worried about my weight since i'm not fat, yet.
18. i'm not a shopaholic, but if i went to shop once in a while the cash will flow as freely as free falling objects..oh my..i'll have to put limiters on my shopping activities..and can somebody please make ebay 'dissappears'?
19. i love teppanyaki!!gonna have some this summer!!
20. i’m missing my old friends….
21. i wonder if the energy i spent today will be conserved again on the next day when i wake up? does the principle of energy conservation works for this situation? i like physics but sometimes i just don't understand how it works.
22. i love football!! : )
23. i like to collect shoes..especially adidas & included.
24. some people say I'm fat.some says my body is 'sekeping'. now i dont know who to trust i assume those who say i'm fat are actually 'sekeping' and those who says i'm 'sekeping' are actually quite fat. I'm normal. :P
25. i love you.
Wednesday, 25 February 2009
bosan betul baru2 ni..Assignment x banyak sangat..lab sessions pulak xde lagi awal2 semester..nanti hujung2 tu baru la penuh sesak jadual..mase tu nanti mule la sakit kepale sebab nk revise lebih untuk exam lagi, nak beli barang balik mesia..kacau je la lab report tu nanti..haihh kenapela x best sangat jadual department aku buat?
dahla grouping lab satu module tu xbest..(sebenarnye aku xtau nk kate best ke x)
ade ke dia letak aku sorang2 je lelaki dlm group 5 orang tu..yang lain sumer cun2 and mata biru2.hehe confem ah aku yg kene jadi leader nanti sebab aku kurang cun :D
tapi xpela sebab aku kenal jugak diorang..bukan x kenal langsung..nasib baik x dapat satu group dengan orang2 yg x dikenali walaupun satu department..
baru2 ni aku pegi satu seminar..ntah ape input yang aku dapat aku pun x paham..haha ade sekali tu orang yang bagi talk, encik Putih ( x igt name sebenar dia ) cakapla.. "well if you were to be a professional engineer in your respective field, sometimes you have to think outside of the box you're in. But please make sure that you know how to get out of the box or elsewise you will stay in your narrow little box for the rest of your life..waiting for others to come into yours"..
aku suke maksud yang dia cuba sampaikan..kadang2 kene pikir luar kotak pemikiran sendiri jugak..sebab kadang2 idea kita x sekuat idea orang lain dan pemikiran..
tapi aku xsuke sebab ade sekali tu dia cakap engineering ni ade sebab kita nak dunia yang perfect.adui..aku bengang sangat sebab bagi aku, engineering has nothing to do with seeking perfection..sebab kalau semua da perfect apa lagi yang engineer nak buat? kalau la semua dah perfect bosan la kalau asyik buat maintenance je..nak jugak buat invention baru..
lagipun secara hakikatnye memang x ade yang sempurna melainkan Allah S.W.T.
Aku sedar yang mungkin Encik Putih x ade pemahaman tentang kesempurnaan tapi mungkin ni ade kaitan pasal think outside your box tu..mungkin aku jugak yang x cukup paham tentang hakikat lain yang masih lg trsembunyi dari kotak fikiran aku..
tapi yang aku x paham langsung, macam mane kita nak tau kotak pemikiran mane yang boleh pakai? kalau la seandainye kita sedar yang pemikiran kita xbetul, kita kene contohi pemikiran sape and macam mane kite nak make sure pemikiran tu sesuai dengan situasi pada mase tu..
lagipun aku rase sekarang banyak jugak judgement yang aku buat langsung xbetul..aku rase sebab aku kuat sangat dipengaruhi oleh ego & yakin diri tanpa menyedari bahawa pihak lain tu sebenarnya yang betul, bukan aku..
jadi aku rase secara generalnye, aku kene mantapkan cara aku menilai sesuatu perkara dan pada mase yang sama aku kene jugak compare and rationalize semua options yang ade sebelum aku buat judgements..
jadi pengajaran yang aku dapat kali ni, always realize that a good judgement comes from experience, experience comes from..?? well it comes from poor judgements. aku da buat beberapa judgements yang hampeh so lepas ni aku taula camne nak buat yang lagi bagus : )
My Letter is N
1. What is your name : Naim
2. A four Letter Word : nice
3. A boy's Name : Nani
4. A girl's Name : Nina
5. An occupation : nerd
6. A colour : navy blue
7. Something you'll wear : napkin
9. A food : nan kebab
10. Something found in the bathroom: naked person @ people
11. A place : nun jauh di sana
12. A reason for being late: not your problem..
13. Something you'd shout : no prob!
14. A movie title : Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist
15. Something you drink : newly bought apple juice
16. A musical group : No Doubt
17. An animal : newly-born penguin
18. A street name : no. 13 Havelock Street
19. A type of car : Nissan
20. The title of a song : Not That Type of Lady
21. Why is number 8 missing : no idea..who knows?
22. Food : Nasi air
23. An actress : Nicole Kidman
24. An anime : Naruto Shippuden
25. A name of a girl u love : Norhartini
26. A name of a boy u love : Naim (i love myself more than others..hehe)
27. What do you think of your future : National Space Agency (NASA)
28. Sometimes I would.. : neglect the fact that I am single.
29. Something that you often bring along : notes..
30. Why do you bother to write all those meaningless stuffs above : Never been so bored lately.
Sunday, 15 February 2009
"But It's Better If You Do"
Somewhere downtown where a burlesque queen may even ask my name
As she sheds her skin on stage
I'm seated and sweating to a dance song on the club's P.A.
The strip joint veteran sits two away
Smirking between dignified sips of his dignified peach and lime daiquiri
And isn't this exactly where you'd like me
I'm exactly where you'd like me, you know
Praying for love in a lap dance and paying in naivety
Oh, isn't this exactly where you'd like me
I'm exactly where you'd like me, you know
Praying for love in a lap dance and paying in naivety
But, but I'm afraid that I
Well, I may have faked it
And I wouldn't be caught dead in this place
Well, I'm afraid that I
Well, that's right, well I may have faked it
And I wouldn't be caught dead in this place
And isn't this exactly where you'd like me
I'm exactly where you'd like me, you know
Praying for love in a lap dance and paying in naivety
Oh, isn't this exactly where you'd like me
I'm exactly where you'd like me, you know
Praying for love in a lap dance and paying in naivety
Well, I'm afraid that I
Well, I may have faked it
And I wouldn't be caught dead in this place
Well, I'm afraid that I
Well, that's right, well I may have faked it
And I wouldn't be caught dead in this place
And isn't this exactly where you'd like me
I'm exactly where you'd like me, you know
Praying for love in a lap dance and paying in naivety
Oh, isn't this exactly where you'd like me
I'm exactly where you'd like me, you know
Praying for love in a lap dance and paying in naivety
Praying for love and paying in naivety
Praying for love and paying in naivety, oh
Friday, 13 February 2009
something's missing..but i'll find it soon : )

lepas spm, bgn subuh kul 6 lebih.pastu tidow sampai kul 10 lebih~..berterusan sampai bulan 6.

first morning kat rumah lepas IB, bgn kul 12...
lewat sgt sbb tido kul 7 pagi..
lepas gian main game ps2 dgn abg2.
bgn pagi hari graduation..
segar je sebab nk jumpe balik kawan2..lastly dapat amik gambar dgn semua member satu class & dgn cikgu2 trsayang..
last morning kat rumah,esoknye akan naik kete g kL..bgn pagi rase tenang je tp agak sunyi..lepas mandi g rumah mak, mkn2 dgn mak pastu g rumah nenek..

pagi ni aku bangun rase blank je.xtau nk buat ape.lepas ni siap2 makan breakfast pastu g main tenis dgn housemates di Sheffield..
truely, honestly & obviously..i miss my family so much that i'm willing to do anything long as my heart beats, all of you..will always be loved and remembered here..i love all of u..

Friday, 6 February 2009
Exam Habis.. 4 Feb 2009
Rasa Yang Tertinggal...16 Jan 2009
I'm officially 21!! : ) so happy 4 being a 21yrs old guy in this magnificent 21st century..lebih2 lagi kalo dapat chocolate cakes!! btw, for this entry aku nk convey dlm bhs melayu sekali lagi. aku kan melayu.haha kdg2 terase nak gune dialek tganu kite,tp nok wak guane kang rama orang dok pahang pulok. Rezak sungguh la weh..hehe so what do I do? baru je cakap td nak gune bahasa melayu.haha hmm..mula2 aku nak buat confession..bukan confession i love u, i miss you!!bukan yang jenis2 tu, tapi ape2 ajela yang tersirat dalam hati selame 20 tahun aku hidup.sbg seorang anak, cucu, kawan, adik, abang, sepupu etc.. selame aku hidup, aku sayang agame aku, yakni Islam..aku sayang Ayah & Mak..Abg D & Abg Rol.. Kakok & Kak Y..adik lakleng(balik nnt abg suping beli mainang banyak2!!hehe..) aku sayang tok@nenek, aku sayang semua mak ayah sedare, semua sepupu aku(yang baru kawin tu ingat2 la aku jugak.haha), aku sayang cikgu2..Last but not least,aku sayang semua kawan2 guys are the best : )
Aku sayang semua, maafkanlah segale salah silap aku & sentiasalah doakan aku agar dapat jadi insan yg lebih baik. aku slalu cuba buat yg ape yg termampu, tapi kadang2 hidup ni memang x adil. Aku ade byk mslh..aku dah byk kali aku bangun balik. Hidup ni memang banyak cabaran & semua orang pon ade mase jatuh naik kan..? masalah yang aku hadapi sekarang langsung x buleh dibandingkn dengan keadaan saudara2 seagama kite kat Palestin sekarang..ikut hati nak je aku pegi sane berjihad tp ape yg aku ade?demo kat Sheffield baru2 ni pon aku terlepas..aku hanya ade secebis ilmu dan kudrat yg x seberapa.aku dah la kurus. muscle xbesar..grrrr...meow..geram betul aku.kadang2 aku rase kucing aku mcm lagi sihat dari aku..jadi aku hanya boleh brjihad dengan cara sndiri.aku x ade kuasa nk hentikan gejala global yg melanda rakyat Palestin sepertimana yg dimiliki oleh kuasa2 besar masalahnye diorg x reti guna kuasa.nanti insyaAllah bila aku dah cukup syarat jadi org besar,aku buleh la bersuara & beraksi.jgn main cakap je, tp action x ade.ape2 pun aku syukur sbb Allah S.W.T bg aku byk kemudahan.aku buleh belajar & kejar cita2 aku. aku syukur sebab dapat belajar tinggi2 & aku syukur sebab aku dapat byk peluang yang x semua org dapat.dan aku akn guna peluang tu sebaik mgkin..bukan nk membesarkan diri,tp ni rezeki aku & insyaAllah satu hari nanti, rezeki orang lain pulak yang melebihi pd masa yg same aku cemburu tgk org lain.. cemburu x salah tp dlm hal ni mmg aku sgt xfhm.. semua org ade nikmat keharmonian,aku pernah rase keharmonian tu tp skrg aku dah lupa mcm mane rasenye.haha..keharmonian tu dah jauh kot. aku try cari x dapat2..aku memang dah x larat nak betulkan keadaan,sebab akhirnya aku nangis sorang2 dlm bilik..penat..sedih,sakit hati.. tp aku xbuleh buat semua ketentuan Allah S.W.T.aku kene redha je la..
Aku harap satu hari nanti semua balik pada asal.dan kalaula hari tu akan dtg, aku harap aku masih hidup lg sebab dah lame aku tggu.biarla semangat aku habis,kaki aku putus ke, asalkan aku masih lagi hidup mase tu & bleh rase sekali lagi saat2 tu..insyaAllah.Amin.. aku x ade sebarang resolusi untuk new year/birthday tp aku suke frasa ni, "success lies in hardships"..ayh aku yg bgtau..first time aku masuk KMB dulu dia ade bg sehelai kertas berisi maksud yg sama dgn frasa td.bekas roomate aku, Acap maybe tau jugak pasal bnde ni : ) aku sayang sangat ayah..ayah dulu bukan orang senang.ayah naik dari bwh sampai lah ke tahap sekarang..aku kagum dengan cara dia brjaya.permulaan yg susah tapi alhamdulillah dapat disempurnakan dgn baik pada pengakhirannya.aku bermula dengan senang atas tiket dan berkat kejayaan ayah, tp sekarang aku khuatir macam mane pengakhiran aku nanti.aku harap aku akan brjaya macam ayah jugak.mmg aku nk sangat jadi mcm ayah.tiada org lain di hati aku untuk aku ikut.selain tu, ayah selalu cakap, aku anak yg baik, selalu buat dia hepi..mak pulak selalu bgtau aku jangan lupe agama, jangan lupe ibubapa, jangan lupe solat,jangan lupa bgtau mak kalau berkenan kat seseorang.(hehe), jangan lupe mak..aku xpernah lupe.aku rase sgt marah dgn diri sndiri sbb aku pernah buat mak ayah menangis..aku dah belajar dr salah silap aku..dan bila aku balik nanti, aku janji aku akan balik sebagai seorang insan yang lebih baik.aku akan ingat janji aku ni.aku akan ingat.tapi sejauhmane kuat pun ingatan aku, aku mmg dah lupe mcm mane rasenye berkeluarga..aku sedih.aku xtipu.aku x marah sbb semua tu jadi masa aku baru nk besar.abang kakak semua dah rase..lagi lame dari aku.aku dapat rase sekejap je.tak sempat nak matang pon lagi, rase tu dah hilang..kadang2 aku rase bengong mmg tu la ujian yg Dia bg kat aku..aku hanye mmpu sabar dan amik pengajaran yg aku xkan ulang tragedi tu bile aku besar nnt.. insyaAllah.. : )
Walaupun aku x ade resolusi tahun baru, aku rase cukupla with having faith in whatever things we did or happened in the past, and get ourselves prepared for the future is the amount of effort u put in that counts,rite?? : ) maksudnye, ape2 hok jadi mase2 dulu jgn dijadikan alasan untuk kite gagal. hok pentingnye kite sedia sokmo untuk ape jua hal.gagal sekali ataupun berkali2 xbermakna ape2. Tapi jgn la selalu gagal. x macho ah gitu. haha cube la baiki niat kite semasa hidup ni.hidup mesti ke depan, tapi sekali sekala renung2 jgk mase2 dulu.kita matang dari hari ke hari,tp kita xtau sejauhmane batasnye, sekuat mane akal kite dan selame mane kite akan hidup..wallahualam..
Aerospace Ku Sayang : ) 27 Nov 2008

Dulu mase nak pilih course kat UK, (mase kat Kolej Mara Banting, KMB) bukan main susah & berbelah bagi sangat2..kalo ikut trend family, baik amik mechanical sebab nanti buleh kerja kat company ayah.(swasta) hehe tapi aku x bimbang sangat sebab dua2 abang aku dah join company tu. Kakak aku je x, sebab dia kerja dengan Telekom, jadi manager ape ntah, tapi gajinye sangat tip top top top jugak ah.haha lagipon ayah aku suruh aku ikut suke je nak amik course ape2 pon , asalkan aku belajar katenye.hehehe so aku fikir2 la jugak lepas tu. Memandangkan aku suke sangat naik flight, aku teringat kat course aeronautik yang jarang orang2 kat malaysia sebut. Course ni bunyinye gempak so kalu orang2 kampung dengar nanti, maunye aku tercalon jadik ketua kampung kang.hehe tapi tu bukan la sebabnye aku pulih course ni. lagipon mase aku kecik lagi aku suke kayuh basikal penat2 dengan sekutu2 rapat ke pantai dekat dgn airport Koala Terengganu(belakang rumah je..jalan kaki pon buleh)..Kitorang selalu tengok kapal terbang takeoff ataupun landing..best2 sebab mase dia takeoff tu bising bangat bunyi enjin..tapi kitorang suke dengar.mase landing pulak kitorang tunggu bile la kapal terbang ni nak crash kat dalam track airport ni.nanti buleh kitorang g buat sibuk2 and untung2 bleh masuk tv. tapi dalam ramai2 tu, aku sorang je sekarang yang amik course berkaitan dengan hal ehwal kapal terbang ni..yang lain ade yang amik law, material (ade kaitan jugak la sikit2)..jadi cikgu pon ade jugak.hehe nanti dia ade la ajar murid2 dia pasal forces acting on aircraft kot.haha walaupun bidang aerospace kat Malaysia kurang maju berbanding negara2 besar, tapi ade peningkatannya dari segi teknologi, reputasi & availability of projects baru2 ni. Potensi ade, tambah2 lagi dapat recognition dari pencapaian Dr Syed Muzaphar. ade satu agensi ni kat malaysia, namenye ANGKASA ( Agensi Angkasa Negara, )..first time aku baca artikel pasal agensi ni mase kat malaysia lagi..dari situ la bercambah sikit harapan aku untuk kerja kat negara sendiri nanti..memetik dari website dia;
Harnessing space as a platform for knowledge generation, wealth creation and societal well-being.
To develop the country’s potential in the space sector to support the development of the new economy, generate knowledge and strengthen the national security infrastructure.
Visi & misi agensi ni walaupun ringkas tapi pelaksanaan tu bukannye senang..banyak sokongan & kepakaran yang diperlukan dari bidang2 lain walaupun agensi ni khasnya untuk budak2 astronomi and aerospace. so aku harap dengan sedikit kepakaran yang aku belajar kat UK sekarang, aku buleh sumbang untuk agensi milik negara kita ni, walaupun sedikit. tu la pentingnya kerjasama dengan negara luar. Masa belajar kat UK ni la kene cari partners and resources. so aku rase decision aku amik aerospace over any other courses adalah tepat. Tapi x sangka pulek xde orang melayu lain yang satu batch dengan aku.seniors ade la tapi x rapat sangat,jumpe sekali-sekala aje. tapi xpela, nanti ramai sangat melayu, maybe aku punye improvement particularly in english x berkembang pulak. biarlah dikelilingi orang2 asing asalkan english aku buleh jadik mantap brbanding dulu.
Secara ringkasnya, course aerospace yang aku amik kat Sheffield ni terdiri daripada beberapa gabungan basic courses macam materials, electricals, controls, mechanical as well as maths. So aku kena belajar semua sekali dan jadik all-rounder la dalam semua basic courses tu. ade jugak satu subjek khas utk aerospace macam themofluids, aeromechanics etc tapi basically conceptnye sangat susah nak faham.satu sebab dalam english ni pemahaman aku da kene potong lebih kurang 25% so aku amik mase 25% lagi lama dari orang putih untuk memahami suatu2 topic tu.satu lagi sebab course aerospace ni memang susah pada zahirnya. ramai jugak students final year kat sheffield yang x lepas course project la, x cukup credit etc. tapi so far aku buleh proceed dengan smooth la dalam course ni..semua test buleh full marks, exam nanti pun aku tengok kat past years questions tu xdela mencabar sangat. tapi 1st year ni je kot senang.lagipun 1st year ni xde lagi pemberat untuk overall course's marks. 2nd year nanti baru ade agaknya.
Sekarang 1st semester dah nak habis, nanti cuti winter pulak!! lepas cuti ade exam mid-term. Aku semangat nak exam ni sebab aku nak jugak dapat 1st class degree. Ape2 pon, aku rilex2 je : ) belajar ni susah tapi kalo aku buat betul2 confirm buleh succeed nyer..lagipun aku nak jugak buang badi big exams ni..dulu trial SPM gempak tapi SPM betul hampeh exam KMB pon aku xperform sepertimane yang aku sangka..xtau mane salah silapnye, maybe kurang nasib@aku sendiri yang nervous sangat time exam kali ni insyaAllah aku buleh buang badi tu and perform gempak2 time exam..baru rase secured sikit..amin..
Horoscopes... 27 Oct 2008
I quoted these sensational words from Friendster Horoscope application today. I really like this quote particularly because it reflects my feeling towards someone, and keeps urging me to express it to her. and I did that, just now but that’s not entirely the reason why I published it on my blog this time. More importantly, the question that’s been lingering in my mind all this time is whether horoscopes can be trusted or not. Sometimes people don’t refer it as ‘trusting’ the quote, instead they refer to it as their daily/weekly guidance which acts as a pillar of their actions towards somebody or something. When I think about it, actually I once did that too, referring to horoscopes to get idea on how things work, especially when it comes to relationship matters. Have a look at the following phrases.
“Share your thoughts with the person who intrigues you most and see how they react to what you have to say. Total honesty is required if you want to do this right, so don’t be afraid to fully disclose how you’re feeling about them. If you are ready to trust them with your heart, then you have to start trusting them with your feelings. The sooner you do it, the sooner you’ll know what’s next for the two of you”
They explain the main quote on the top of the post there. Personally, I like this quote to an extent that it actually help me to recognize the reality that’s been hidden within every situation I’m in. Truely, honesty plays an important part in relationship. Sharing our thoughts with the one we love, and trusting them till the very end would prove to be benefial and meaningful later on. So, back to the main topic~horoscope. Do You guys believe it? It’s all up to you : )
The Beginning 27 Sep 2008
I haven’t written any blog for a while, so maybe it would sound absurd, weird, unpleasing or whatever u can think of it. lol~ but just bear with it for now. I’m writing this blog simply because of my awareness towards some belief which says u can improve your writing by blogging. My teacher once said that too and I guess no one doubted her : )
I also believe that this blog acts as a medium to express myself to everyone. I’ll be able to dedicate my feelings, thoughts as well as opinions and have them replied or commented by anybody. From there we were actually putting ourselves into a field of discussion where everyone can portray their ways of thinking or believing. Somehow i doubt to think that the discussion would be so formal since blog itself is not formal. lol~but i would expect it to be fun and exhilarating since blogging is also the way of delivering laughingstocks and humorous posts. whatever it is, my memories begin here : )